
深入探究EB-5市场前景 指引投资移民方向

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Emily Zhu是新帝国EB-5区域中心的执行总监。朱女士是一位经验丰富的房地产专业人士,曾多次成功协助房地产开发商在纽约地区找到绝佳的的发展机会。朱女士曾在在亚洲和北美地区执业。 2014年以来,朱女士负责在纽约地区EB-5混合用途项目融资,现已筹集超过1.5亿美金。在这个职位上,朱女士和顶级移民代理中介,财富管理以及私募股权投资者在中国和其他国家,包括台湾,香港,韩国,越南和印度等有着强有力的人脉资源。朱女士毕业于宾夕法尼亚大学LL.M.并获得香港城市大学J.D. 学位。她的普通话和英语非常流利,而且精通粤语。







I finally completed my 3 week EB-5 investment fact finding trip toChina. The trip has helped me have a better understanding of the latest Chineseinvestor market conditions and trends. During the intensive trip, I met withdozens of migration agency executives in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Liaoning, andHong Kong SAR. I also met with executives of wealth management companies,banks, accounting firms, and MBA principals. The following are my observationsand thoughts that may be helpful in determining your future EB-5 marketingstrategies.


Right around my departure to Shenzhen, SEC released its complaintagainst a cancer treatment center project in Southern California. I knew that Iwould be discussing with migration agents on issues relating to the EB-5program’s integrity. It is obvious that Chinese investors are showing stronginterests in the U.S. investment program. However, recent retrogression andEB-5 scandals have increasingly troubled migration agents and investors. Withregard to the long waiting time on I-526 approval and retrogression, manymigration agents have not been honest with their clients because they areafraid of losing them. On the other hand, they are also afraid of potentialliabilities for their lack of complete disclosure. For example, in recent news,an EB-5 investor filed suit against a Beijing migration agent for failure todisclose material information. The trial was covered widely by Chinese news andsocial media.


Another observation is that investor demand is shifting from EB-5 towards real estate opportunities in prime U.S. markets. Specifically, migration agencies are focusing on real estate sales in addition to traditionalEB-5 products.


Furthermore, mega-size projects have drawn more than half of theEB-5 filings. Thanks to former government officials (such as retired governors,congressmen, and other politicians) and their frequent appearances in front ofChinese investors, well supported large projects in New York City and LosAngeles are made to look more glamorous. As a result, these projects areattracting much more attention than projects in smaller cities. This trend iscertainly putting many smaller projects in disadvantaged positions.


Another unsettled issue is the upcoming sun-setting of the EB-5program. The uncertainties around the EB-5 regional center program continue tohaunt everyone in the EB-5 community.  No one knows what would happenlater this year.


No matter what happens in both China and the United States, Chinesedemand for outbound investments will remain high. As the Chinese real estatebubble continues to produce tens of thousands qualified investors every year, continue to dominate the EB-5 investment market for years to come.




4920 3rd Ave Brooklyn, NY 11220 USA

TEL: 1 (718)-928-8187

370 Lexington Ave, Suite 410, NY, NY 10017

TEL: 1 (212)-991-8030


北京:北京市朝阳区新源南路3号平安国际金融中心B座17层  100027

总机:010-5829-1888/ 010-5829-1889/ 139-0288-8863





官方网站:http://www.usnere.com/    http://www.newempireeb5.com/

E-mail: contract@usnere.com         contact@neeb5rc.com  

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