
Be The Change You Want To See | Knowmads 创变体验营

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却是荆棘大雨 无法成行

工作稳定  逐年升迁



每次叩问世界  都没有答案


微辣青年&Knowmads Hanoi 



Do you find your college life boring?

Is your future path still uncertain?

Do you feel suffocated or frustrated 

after working for a few years? 

Are you willing to start the new year 

with a meaningful change in your life?

It’s time to follow your heart

Wela Youth and Knowmads Hanoi 

invite you to join a 4-day journey of transformation 

that will provide you with clarity and motivation 

for your next actions.

点击阅读原文  立即报名


Are you excited to join this global community?

Click “Read more” to apply and embark

on a self-transformative journey.

创变体验营  The program

本次Knowmads&微辣青年创变之旅由驻扎在越南河内的Knowmads Hanoi团队设计。三位资深协作者将带你一起探讨Knowmads 的5个核心问题:

The program is designed and hosted by 3 experienced facilitators from Knowmads Hanoi. The program will explore core questions:


Who am I?


In what world do I want to live?


What do I want to contribute/change?


How do I create the project to get it done?


How do I bring it into the world?

Knowmads是在荷兰阿姆斯特丹成立的一所为希望创造更美好世界的创新者设计的学校。学校基于行动学习,创变者在这些项目里与教练,引导师和先行者一起共创,探索更深的自己,从自己的长处出发,更加积极的去应对世界的挑战,并在实在自己的梦想中获得快乐 。

Knowmads was founded in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, as a school for innovators who wish to create a better world. The participants experience action learning, explore who they are, use their talents and strengths to respond to the challenges in the world, and gain happiness through realizing their dreams.


How does the journey look like?

  浸入式体验 Immersive experience


Experience a safe space where conversations, learning and some unexpected processes can touch your heart.

   由内而外 From inside out


Connect deeper with yourself, and use determination and clarity to realize your dream. 

   深度连结 Deeper connection


Listen to stories from around the world and create connections through sharing. 

   共同创造  Co-creation


The 4-day transformative journey isn't about following orders, but instead there's space for every participant to co-create and direct where we’ll go.

 结束后你将收获  What you will get


Get clarity on who you really are


Get clarity on where you stand in the world


Rediscover your passions and dreams, and start designing a prototype to get it done


Join a community that can support you along the way

点击阅读原文 立即报名

Click "Read More" for registration

 活动详情  Details

时间 : 2017年2月16日-19日(星期四到星期日

When: February 16 – 19, 2017 (Thu-Sun)

地点 :  广州市内(待定)

Where: Guangzhou (TBD)

语言 : 英语

Language: English

费用 :  


如有任何疑问,请联系负责人四月手机:13724182314  微信:woodbye8)

If you have any queasion,please contact April (Phone : 13724182314         Wechat ID:woodbye8).

 活动流程  Tentative agenda

 导师团队  Facilitator

Narayan Silva (Brazil)

Narayan 在巴西长大,但他觉得自己是个完完全全的Knowmad,过去的十年中,他在11个国家学习和工作过;获瑞典可持续战略领导力的硕士学位,帮助人和组织实现他们的潜能、在世界范围内创造正向影响力。同时,他也是一个创业者、一个TEDx的联合主办人、可持续发展和教育顾问、视觉引导师;在与合作的众多国际机构中,既有小规模的NGO,也有包括耐克、奔驰这样的跨国企业。Narayan在2014年被联合国教科文组织提名为可持续发展教育的青年代表,之后花了2年时间,在中国做可持续发展和教育的流程引导,于2015年加入Knowmads河内团队。

Narayan grew up in Brazil but sees himself as a true Knowmad, having spent most of the last decade studying and working in 11 different countries. With a MSc. in Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability in Sweden, he is passionate about helping people and organizations to realize their full potential for creating positive impact in the world. He is a conscious entrepreneur, TEDx co-host, sustainability and education consultant and Graphic Facilitator, having worked with numerous organizations around the world, from small NGOs to corporations such as Nike and Mercedes-Benz. Narayan was nominated a UNESCO ESD (Education for Sustainable Development) Youth delegate in 2014, and after spending the last 2 years in China facilitating processes for learning and sustainability, he came to Hanoi to support the development of Knowmads.

Hailey Chang (US/Taiwan)

一个全球公民。曾经在6个国家生活并工作过,为给所有人创造一个更好的世界而奉献生命。在获得翻译和口译的硕士学位之后,于斯坦福医院担任医疗翻译师。曾经在贫困地区做过志愿者,在全球最大的动物保护机构为动物发声。在Knowmads Hanoi中协作一些工作坊和项目,帮助人们去探索自己是谁以及他们想要为世界贡献什么。擅长协作,翻译,网上营销,线上营销,名人公关,媒体关系以及引导。这让她能够在这个急需同理心的世界去创造一个对话的空间。

Hailey is a global citizen who has lived and worked in 6 countries. She has been dedicating her life to creating a better world for all, from working at Stanford Hospital as a medical interpreter after obtaining a Master’s Degree in Translation and Interpretation, volunteering in impoverished areas, speaking up for animals at the world's largest animal rights organization, to facilitating workshops and programs at Knowmads Hanoi to help individuals discover who they are and what they want to contribute to the world.

Her professional experiences in writing, interpretation, online marketing, celebrity coordination, media relations and facilitation have enabled her to create space for dialogues in a world that desperately needs compassion and empathy.

Ellie Nguyen (Vietnam)

Ellie年纪轻轻就有着丰富的个人阅历。她在学校,公司,小型企业以及创新型的个体公司都有着丰富的工作经验。她是Knowmads Hanoi Team 3的成员之一。从那以后,她就是Knowmads的忠实支持者。Ellie为Knowmads Hanoi的团队带来了自己具有魅力的自身个性,以及富有行动力的态度。在团队中,Ellie能提供一切支持。比如探索一个项目,克服个人挑战,甚至可以教尤克里里。

Given her young age, it is quite astonishing to see the length of Ellie’s resume. She has experienced working with schools, companies, small business, and individuals who have creative ideas. She was a member of Knowmads Hanoi Team 3, and she has been one of the school’s loyal supporters ever since. Ellie brings a combination of her charming personality and an action-oriented attitude to Knowmads Hanoi. She’s willing to offer any kind of support, such as starting a project, overcoming personal challenges, and even giving lessons in Ukulele.


Who we are looking for


People who wish to create positive change within themselves and in the world


Between 18 and 30 years old


Able to communicate and comprehend in English

点击阅读原文 立即报名


Click "Read More" for registration

Early Bird Price: Before 2017.1.20

 ◆ 为了保证效果,最多只招募20个名额。我们将会在收到你的报名表4的天内进行电话或者当面面试。如未能受邀加入课程,我们将会全额退款。

 ◆ In order to ensure the quality of the experience, we're limiting the spots to 20 participants who will need to go through an interview process. We will arrange a phone or in-person interview after receiving your application within 4 days. You will receive a full refund if not invited to join the program.

文:四月 瓶子





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